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You can sign up here: completed all online courses and assessments offered by IFP School on: MOOC Sustainable Mobility. Technical and environmental challenges for the 10 Jan 2020 After a successful first edition in 2019 (nearly 26 000 participants from 130 countries, 19.3% certification rate), IFP School is launching as of 17 oct. 2014 L'IFP School, école d'application dans les domaines de l'énergie et des transports, va lancer son premier MOOC (« Massive Open Online 8 Feb 2016 2. What is the IFP Oil & Gas MOOC? 3. Oil & Gas MOOC : an innovative education tool. 4.
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First specialized Oil & Gas MOOC launched by IFP school with the support of Total IFP School est une école d´application qui apporte à des étudiants et jeunes professionnels du monde entier une formation dans les domaines de l'énergie répondant aux besoins de l'industrie et aux demandes de la société en particulier en matière de développement durable et d'innovation. This MOOC is intended either for students and professionals interested in the energy transition challenges and innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. But more specifically it is intended for those willing to gain knowledge about developing a decarbonized energy mix based on both renewables and natural gas, underground CO2 and energy storage, energy efficiency and CO2 abatements in IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18. Jean-Pierre Deflandre, project manager, tells us more about this new free and certifying online training course supported by Total Foundation and Tuck Foundation. IFP School lance, avec le soutien de la Fondation Total et en association avec la Fondation Tuck, une nouvelle session de son MOOC sur la transition énergétique : « Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future ».
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IFP School, with the support of Total Foundation and in partnership with Fondation Tuck, is launching a new session of its MOOC on the energy transition: “Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a … With the support of the Total Foundation and in association with the Tuck Foundation, IFP School is launching the second edition of its MOOC "Energy Transition: innovation towards a low-carbon future" on 27 January 2020. Free and certified, this MOOC aims to raise awareness amongst students, future engineers and professionals of the challenges faced by the energy transition and the innovations IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18. Jean-Pierre Deflandre, project manager, tells us more about this new free and certifying online training course supported by Total Foundation and Tuck Foundation.
IFP School - Personal experience, Shadab, India Facebook
IFP School lance à partir du 27 janvier 2020 la deuxième édition de son MOOC "Transition énergétique : innover pour un avenir bas carbone". The transport sector is undergoing many changes. Some people think that current technologies of electrified, autonomous and connected vehicles will produce m IFP School lance une 3e édition sous le signe de l’hydrogène Les inscriptions sont ouvertes ! Après le succès des deux premières sessions, IFP School lance la 3e édition de son MOOC sur la transition énergétique : « Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon future », avec le soutien de la Fondation Total et en association avec la Fondation Tuck . IFP School est une école d´application qui apporte à des étudiants et jeunes professionnels du monde entier une formation dans les domaines de l'énergie répondant aux besoins de l'industrie et aux demandes de la société en particulier en matière de développement durable et d'innovation. En accord avec les termes et conditions de l'Audio Librairie YouTube cette vidéo ne peut être diffusée que via cette adresse YouTube. IFP School is preparing its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the subject of sustainable mobility.
Protec-tion, and a Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) on “Introduction to Safeguards”. öppna lärresurser och mooc-kurser vissa forskningstidskrifter som tillämpar fri tillgänglighet Open access Relaterade begrepp Begreppet fritt innehåll används
forskningsinstituten SP, Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut och Swerea/IFP på pilot 1 Nästa steg Sammanfattning - Utbildningsformer MOOC (=öppna. Flight information service officer Health professional IFP designer Passenger 1,300 Free Online Courses 1000+ MOOCs 1,150 Free Movies 700 Free Audio
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2015/04/08 · First specialized Oil & Gas MOOC launched by IFP school with the support of Total. FR - [MOOC] 朗 Bonne nouvelle le #MOOC #Transitionénergétique arrive !
Starting from 5 November 2018 for a four-week period! Following the success of the third edition of the previous MOOC on Sustainable Mobility – more than 5,700 people signed up, with a satisfaction rate of 95% – IFP School is now launching another MOOC on Tomorrow's Mobility, in collaboration with IFP Training and Vedecom.
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dec 2014 MOOC IFP Sustainable Mobility. -. Språk. Anglais. Fullständig professionell nivå. Espagnol.
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We are very pleased to inform you that the 2017 edition of the IFP School Oil & Gas MOOC, “From exploration to distribution” supported by Total is scheduled to start on October 9, 2017. The two previous editions of our free MOOC on the oil & gas chain attracted more than 42,800 people from 148 countries.
! After the success of the first two sessions, IFP School is launching its third edition of the MOOC on energy transition: "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future", with the support of Total Foundation and in association with Fondation Tuck. 2016 class -IFP MOOC Supported By Total – Register Now! by ideology(m): 7:34am On May 02, 2015 Interested in taking part in the first specialized Oil & Gas Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)? With the support of Total, IFP School, is offering a free online course, which will … IFP School is a unique technical university which promotes “learning by doing”.