VOL. 8 NR. 2 2016 - theofilos.no
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Does the Global Champions Tour allow for unequal sport equity with its FEI-approved invitation system? The Belgian Competition Authority has indicated that it does, in this latest turn of events of a longtime conflict. As the Belgian Competition Authority [BCA] sees it, and as announced on April 16, 2018, the Federation Equestre As reaction to ongoing controversy within the Equestrian community concerning the FEI Jumping Invitation System, the EEF expresses its full support for the latter. Knowing well the limitations of the Invitation System, it is still considered the best warrantor of a meritocratic access to the competitions for the time being. Since it came into effect on May,1 2007 for CSI 5* events worldwide If you need to create an FEI.com owners account, you will be asked to provide information about your FEI instrument (tool family, serial number).
2021-01-01 FEI Online Entry System 7 Step 4: Organising Committee Accepting [ Nominations in the FEI Online System. Once EA have uploaded the entries into the FEI Online Entry System the organising committees (OC) will receive an email from the FEI Online System informing them that a definite list has been created by their NF for their event. FEI: Vi erbjuder Kurser & Utbildningar inom Ekonomi, HR, Marknadsföring m.m i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö Välj undervisning på plats eller på distans. FEI Online Invitation System does not invite enough athletes lower down the Longines Ranking (only inviting down to rank 350/400) This means that athletes wanting an invitation for a CSI3* or CSI2* event are not invited within the current 6 week invitation period, as most of Information regarding the FEI Online Invitation System for Jumping can be found here. Past Jumping Rankings: All Jumping Rankings ranging from No. 114 (30 June 2010) onwards are available online in the FEI Database.
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FEI Officials have to attend these seminars on a regular basis and we are happy to offer one end of November with Frank Rothenberger and Stefan Wirth as course leaders . Registration via the FEI only. Link to registration forms here FEI Refresher: 24.
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Events where the CSI Invitation rules may apply.
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To successfully submitting a dinner invitation, participants are required to answer all the questions correctly. How you can refuse or opt out of cookies.
The FEI Invitation System for Jumping is an online platform that has been developed to correctly apply the CSI Invitation Rules and to faciliate the process for all Stakeholders involved: It invites Athletes according to their position in the Longines Rankings, ensuring the Athletes' right to FEI Online Invitation System The FEI Refresher Seminar for jumping judges, stewards and officials was held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, in the beginning of February. The new FEI Jumping Rules as well as other FEI Regulations were widely discussed, and we have gathered the most important parts. FEI ONLINE INVITATION SYSTEM INTERACTION Federation Equestre Internationale, Lausanne. Sport Forum, 27-28 April 2015, IMD Lausanne FEI INVITATION SYSTEM –INTERACTION The video below will show you how to navigate on the FEI Online Invitation System. (click on YouTube in the bottom right corner to open this in big screen format) For any questions or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact invitations@fei.org Step 1 : Go to https://invitation.fei.org and click Log in with my FEI ID : Step 2 : Enter your FEI credentials and click Login : You are now logged in. Please note: if you cannot remember your Step 3 : To log out, click the arrow next to your name, in the top right corner of the screen, then An update on the FEI Online Invitation System for Jumping and the developments planned for 2019. One of the main points in your feedback and our own analysis of the first two pilot phases of the FEI Online Invitation System was related to the timelines.