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Impaktfaktorer: Scopus - Publiceringsstrategi - Guides at

Sök fram en artikel skriven av aktuell författare. av P Sundling · 2017 · Citerat av 1 — A citation index was constructed, containing reference data from 210 without exception based on research papers from Web of Science. h-index 25 (Web of Science 30.11.2018) • Most cited article Over 60 interviews on climate change in newspapers, radio, TV and web media • Several written  Ph. D., Natural Science, specialization in Chemistry, University of Gothenburg, 2015. Scientific h-index (Web of Science): 20. Publications in  av U Sandström — databaser (Web of Science och Google Scholar), kompletterat med nationella publice- ringar. H-index föreslogs av Hirsch20 och gör anspråk på att i ett enkelt.

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7, 9 When a researcher's h‐index is being calculated, discrepancies both between and within databases could be a significant issue when using the h‐index to make decisions (e.g. for funding or academic promotions). 7 When calculating an h Web of Science (previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.It was originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and is currently maintained by Clarivate Analytics (previously the Intellectual Property and Science business H-index a jeho zjišťování Hirschův index, neboli H-index, chápeme jako index určený ke kvalifikaci vědeckovýzkumného výkonu jednotlivce, skupiny nebo instituce. Jedná se o kvantitativní ohodnocení H-index, scopus, Web of Science Created Date: Currently, Web of Science has a limit of 10,000 records that can be used to generate a Citation Report.

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The h-index is not something that needs to be calculated on a daily basis, but it's good to know where you are for several reasons. 2021-04-09 DOI: 10.1108/14684520910985756 Corpus ID: 15770415. The h-index for countries in Web of Science and Scopus @article{Jacs2009TheHF, title={The h-index for countries in Web of Science and Scopus}, author={P. Jacs{\'o}}, journal={Online Inf. Rev.}, year={2009}, volume={33}, pages={831-837} } How to find your h-index in Web of Scholar and Google Science Access The University of Windsor has a subscription to Web of Science.

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H-index depends on citations to an author's works, which can take years. Newer authors who lack a large, historical oeuvre of works from which to calculate an h-index do not benefit from it as a metric. 2020-05-11 · A publication not indexed by Web of Science or published before the Web of Science dates of coverage (currently, 1980). If the number of Citing Articles is greater than the h-index for your author, it should be added to your citation list, and it may increase the h-index by 1. A publication that was cited incorrectly by the citing author. Forskelligt h-index. H-indexet er baseret på en forskers mest citerede publikationer og kan variere afhængigt af hvilken kilde, der benyttes til beregning.

If you are accessing the application remotely remember to use the remote access link also located on the Library website. Currently, Web of Science has a limit of 10,000 records that can be used to generate a Citation Report. To calculate an h-index using the result set, perform the following steps: 1. From the Results page, sort the result list by Times Cited -- highest to lowest by using the … 2020-12-17 How to use Web of Science to calculate your h-index Step 1: The Web of Science search form Go to: https://webofknowledge.com/. Don't worry, you're in the right place; Web Step 2: Screening the search results and creating a citation report The next step is to screen the search results if Step 2021-04-02 H-Index Web of Science Find your h-index in Web of Science 1. Go to the Web of Science at wok.mimas.ac.uk and click to gain access: 2.
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ISI Web of Science Kort version Ingegerd Baurén LiUB. Har man tre artiklar som vardera citerats minst tre gånger blir H-index 3, Web of Science konkurrerar med Scopus, de indexerar vardera cirka  Det ryska Science Citation Index-systemet (RSCI) är en nationell citatdatabas för 2015 tecknades ett avtal med Web of Science som deras webbplats kommer  Ange totalt antal citeringar samt h-index (se: http://isiknowledge.com). Web of Science hittade 18 artiklar med det total antalet citeringar på  For example, if researching the topic of "ageism" on Web of Science, the h-index can be determined easily by following the steps described before and creating  Master of science in physics from Göteborg University. 1990-1991. Undergraduate I have according to Web of Science 6500 citations and an h-index of 39.

The results appear. Using Refine Results   17 Mar 2021 Introduction. The Web of Science database (composed of: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation  11 Dec 2020 Ability to create citation report which has a breakdown of times cited by year, h- index, average citation per year, and sum of non-self citations for  23 Nov 2020 How to Find an H-Index · 1. Connect to Web of Science.
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An exploration within the Web of Science | The h-index has attracted wide attention from both scientometricians and science policy makers since it was proposed in 2005. Read our guide How to use Web of Science to calculate your h-index for further instructions. Why is an h-index important?

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Web of Science hittade 18 artiklar med det total antalet citeringar på  For example, if researching the topic of "ageism" on Web of Science, the h-index can be determined easily by following the steps described before and creating  Master of science in physics from Göteborg University. 1990-1991. Undergraduate I have according to Web of Science 6500 citations and an h-index of 39. Separat bör nämnas den ryska Science Citation Index-databasen på Web of Science-plattformen. Detta är ett gemensamt projekt av Clarivate Analytics och  Innehåll: Standarder från SIS (tidigare Enav). Typ: Standarder Mer information » · Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) Innehåll:  Web of Science och Scopus. Detta åskådliggörs i en nyligen publicerad lista över författare i Google Scholar som har ett h-index över hundra.

När du sökt fram dina publikationer får du reda på  Sök fram och markera de publikationer som skall vara med i analysen i den databas du har valt att jobba med. Web of Science: Klicka på "Create  Du kan relativt enkelt slå upp en forskares H-index i databaserna Scopus och Web of Science. Instruktionsfilm om h-index på LU Play.