LUCRIS Medarbetarwebben - Lunds universitet
Från LUP till LUCRIS. Kristoffer Holmqvist & Hanna Voog
Register and visualize different aspects of your research by using LUCRIS, Lund University’s Current Research Information System. LUCRIS allows you to add different types of activities (scholarly as well as outside of academia), projects and publications. Researchers at Lund University are required to register their scholarly publications in the research information system LUCRIS. The University’s publishing policy recommends that, when possible, the full text be freely accessible (open access), either through publication in an open access journal or in a journal which allows self-archiving. LUCRIS has replaced LUP as input interface for reserarch output LUCRIS is a Current Research Information System for research information that aims to collect and visualize different aspects of a researcher's work. LUCRIS is a research information system with the purpose to enable registration of research information and to compile the collective research of individual researchers, research teams and Lund University as a whole. Register and visualize different aspects of your research by using LUCRIS, Lund University’s Current Research Information System.
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Shortcuts. Contact us Processing of Research funders are increasingly requiring that publicly funded research should be freely available. Lund University also has an open access policy. Researchers are expected (though not obliged) to deposit a copy of their publications in LUCRIS. This page contain … Lucris is Lund University’s new current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, your research group, projects, publications and activities – all of which will be searchable in an external web portal that is open to everyone and presents research from the entire university. Bishop Peder Winstrup died in 1679, and is one of the most well-preserved human bodies from the 1600s.
LUCRIS Medarbetarwebben - Lunds universitet
V building, John Ericssons Väg 1, Lund, Sweden. Mailing address: P.O Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Minimum requirements for entry in LUCRIS. Public defences. Publication series.
LUCRIS Medarbetarwebben - Lunds universitet
Mailing address: P.O Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Minimum requirements for entry in LUCRIS. Public defences. Publication series. Lund University Box 192 SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) kansliht kansliht In April 2016 Lund University launches a current research information system, LUCRIS. LUCRIS will replace LUP (Lund University Publications) for publication registration.
If he/she is not available, please contact the Digital Services department of the University Library at under the subject heading 'Converis GSM' and the more specific topic of your inquiry. How to find information related to your work as a current doctoral student PhD students and post doctoral fellows are considered to be employees at Lund University. For information and forms relating to your employment and day-to-day work, please visit our staff pages. Here you can also find information that is not directly related to your work, such as information about language courses
Covid-19 and the academic year 2020/2021 Regardless of whether a programme or course is conducted digitally or on campus, Lund University is working to ensure that the best possible education and study situation will be provided. Dolda skatter temat för digitala HT-dagar . Under årets Humanist- och teologdagar vid Lunds universitet bjuder föreläsarna på oförglömliga äventyr – från fablernas skatter till vattenfyllda gravar i Egypten, från grottkyrkor i Etiopien till skatterna inom oss – samt förstås till konstens, teaterns, klisterlapparnas och strupens språkliga skatter. LUCRAM.
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Here you can also find information that is not directly related to your work, such as information about language courses Drop in for a presentation of Lund University's new research information system, LUCRIS. Opportunity for researchers and research administrators to attend a LUCRIS workshop and get help and advice from library and communications staff. When: June 14, 09.00 - … LUCRIS stands for Lund University Current Research Information System. The public web portal is called Research portal.
29 s. (Research Reports / Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behaviour at Lund University; vol. 5) Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapport › Rapport.
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Lunds universitet - LU Research Portal
We have also compiled information about the practical things you will need in order to start working. LUCRIS – short guide for doctoral and licentiate students How to add your degree project as well as your thesis. Updated 202 0-08-24 If you are a doctoral or licentiate student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your research output, activities etc., as well as register a … How to find information related to your work as a current doctoral student PhD students and post doctoral fellows are considered to be employees at Lund University. For information and forms relating to your employment and day-to-day work, please visit our staff pages. Here you can also find information that is not directly related to your work, such as information about language courses Drop in for a presentation of Lund University's new research information system, LUCRIS.
LUCRIS Lunds tekniska högskola
This is a list of frequently asked questions on how to register your doctoral thesis in Lund University's Publication Database. For other questions, please contact your the responible person at your faculty or institution, see Contact persons. 2018-11-26 LUCRIS is Lund University’s new research information system, where you are able to enter information about yourself, your research group, projects, publications and activities. The information is presented externally via the Lund University research portal. LUCRIS är Lunds universitets gemensamma forskningsinformationssystem.
Researchers at Lund University are required to register their scholarly publications in the research information system LUCRIS. The University’s publishing policy recommends that, when possible, the full text be freely accessible (open access), either through publication in an open access journal or in a journal which allows self-archiving. LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) and the LU research portal form together the university’s research information system. Their purpose is to communicate LU’s research to both internal and external parties. Listed here are four situations, with slightly different conditions, in which you can use self-archiving to make your publications available in full text as well as how to do it.