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Here, we report the case of a 38-year-old woman with skin changes on her areolae that were mistakenly Background: Terra-firma forme dermatosis, also known as Duncan’s dirty dermatosis, is a benign skin condition that presents as dirt-like plaques in patients of all ages. Purpose: We describe a series of ten patients that presented with terra-firma forme dermatosis. Methods and Materials: We reviewed PubMed for the following terms: dermatosis, Duncan’s dirty dermatosis, isopropyl 1987-05-01 Terra firma‐forme dermatosis Terra firma‐forme dermatosis Lora, Viviana; Ardigò, Marco; Catricalà, Caterina; Cota, Carlo 2014-02-01 00:00:00 To the Editor , We read with great interest the ‘Comment regarding the histopathology of Terra firma‐forme dermatosis’ of Berk and Mutizwa regarding the Cover Quizlet authored by Dalton and Pride. To the Editor, We read with great interest the ‘Comment regarding the histopathology of Terra firma-forme dermatosis’ of Berk and Mutizwa1 regarding the Cover Quizlet authored by Dalton and Pride.2 Terra firma-forme dermatosis represents a rare, acquired and dirt-like dermatosis that reflects a disordered and delayed keratinization of unknown etiology.3 First described in 1987 by Duncan,4 Dermatosis neglecta is a skin condition in which accumulation of sebum, keratin, sweat, dirt and debris leads to a localized patch of skin discoloration or a wart-like plaque.It is caused by inadequate hygiene of a certain body part, usually due to some form of disability or a condition that is associated with pain or increased sensitivity to touch (hyperesthesia) or immobility. 2016-10-21 Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a bizarre, acquired and idiopathic dermatosis that etiology has still not been fully defined. It is characterized by the presence of asymptomatic, brownish dirt-like lesion maybe due to disorder of keratinization. These lesions cannot be removed with ordinary cleansing.
The clinical presentation ranges from patches of brownish discoloration to velvety hyperkeratotic plaques. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an uncommon disorder of keratinization with an unknown etiology in which patients present with dirt-like lesions that are resistant to washing. A 6-year old girl presented with the complaint of an asymptomatic brownish black dirt-like eruption on her body. Her parents reported Se hela listan på escholarship.org Terra firma‐forme dermatosis is relatively common and most often occurs in children on the neck or posterior malleolus. This series exemplifies the importance of recognizing Terra firma‐forme dermatosis so as to provide rapid relief for patients and avoid unnecessary tests and treatments. Terra firma-forme dermatosis. Dermatosis neglecta, or terra firma-forme dermatosis, is a clinical entity whose etiology has still not been fully defined.
Rapporterade fall • Pigmenteringsrubbningar
A diagnosis can be reached by removing lesions with gentle alcohol swabbing. Terra firma-forme dermatosis is a cutaneous discoloration resembling dirt, hence the clinical name. The dyschromia cannot be removed with routine soap and water washing, but can be eliminated by rubbing with isopropyl alcohol.
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Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD), first described by Duncan in 1987, is a relatively common but probably underdiagnosed condition, characterized by a reticular hyperpigmented dirtlike eruption resistant to washing with common soap but typically removed with rubbing with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an acquired, benign, idiopathic dermatosis first described by Duncan and his colleagues in 1987. The name is derived from the Latin phrase ‘terra firma’ which refers to ‘dry land’.
2017; 167(3-4): 66
Terra firma-forme dermatosis is a relatively common but probably underestimated entity characterized by asymptomatic cutaneous pigmentation resembling dirty skin. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used in the diagnosis of many cutaneous conditions. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) was first reported by Christopher Duncan and colleagues in 1987. Their paper described a 12-year-old girl who presented with an asymptomatic dirty-looking Journal Pre-proof Journal Pre-proof. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) also known as Duncan's dirty dermatosis was initially reported by Duncan in 1987.2 It derives its name from the Latin phrase terra-firma meaning dry land (dirt), thus implying dirt-like dermatosis.
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Penile terra firma-forme dermatosis in a child: ultrastructural La dermatosis terra firma-forme (DTFF), es una condición benigna de etiología desconocida, que toma dicho nombre de la coloración pardusca que remeda tierra o suciedad.
However, no large epidemiological studies have been done to determine the prevalent age group for the
Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a little-known disease of unknown etiology that clini-cally presents with asymptomatic brown to black plaques and resembles dirty skin. Here, we report the case of a 38-year-old woman with skin changes on her areolae that were mistakenly
Background: Terra-firma forme dermatosis, also known as Duncan’s dirty dermatosis, is a benign skin condition that presents as dirt-like plaques in patients of all ages. Purpose: We describe a series of ten patients that presented with terra-firma forme dermatosis.
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Terra firma-forme dermatosis presenting as symmetrical, a dirt-like brownish, hyperkeratotic plaque on the nape and side of the neck of a 15 years old girl. showed large polygonal plate-like brown scales arranged together giving mosaic pattern (Figure 2).
Grigorios Theodosiou - Lund University Publications
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It is a benign and idiopathic skin 10 Jul 2020 Background: Terra firma-forme dermatosis is an idiopathic keratinization disorder characterized by acquired, dirt-like plaques despite normal Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an idiopathic condition characterized by asymptomatic hyperpigmented and hyperkeratotic plaques that are resistant to article: Terra firma forme dermatosis of the areola - Esperienze Dermatologiche 2010 September;12(3):161-5 - Minerva Medica - Journals. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a clinical condition characterized by brown–gray, velvety, pigmented patches or plaques, resembling dirt on the skin.